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New 15mm American Civil War figures

As teased in our last release, the next AB release is not more WW2 or Napoleonics, but some additions to the ACW range.

The centrepiece of this release is two big sets of Casualties that have been often requested by our customers and Tony has not disappointed, as there are lots of characterful sculpts in each.

Tony has also made some new Officer variants which we have interspersed into existing codes, but if you would like just the new variants add a note to your order stating such and we will accommodate.

To round out this release is some Zouaves marching in Fez as we previously only had marching Zouaves wearing kepi’s.

Enjoy and we’ll be back to Napoleonics and WW2 next release.

4 new Officer variants to be mixed into existing codes ACW20, 29, 29a, 30.

  • ACW106 ACW Yank casualties, a set of 12 poses
  • ACW 105 ACW Reb casualties, a set of 12 poses
  • ACW107 Zouaves in fez marching, 5 poses (sold individually)

Some more Napoleonics for you

Just a little release of a few items that have been awaiting release. Pavlov Fusiliers for the 1812 - 15 Russian range, 1813 Prussian Horse artillery mounted, Westphalian Light Horse and the much-anticipated Saxon Chevauxleger lancers.

Hopefully these will tide you AB Napoleonic fans over for a month or so because the next release won’t be more Napoleonics ... or WW2!

Russian 1812 -15

  • R40 Pavlov Fusiliers
  • R41 Pavlov Fusilier drummer

Saxony 1810- 14

  • SAXC13 Saxon chevauxleger lancers

Prussian 1813 - 15

  • PR72 Horse artillery mounted

Confederation of the Rhine 1812 - 15

  • CORC08 Westphalian Light Horse trooper
  • CORC09 Westphalian Light Horse Officer
  • CORC10 Westphalian Light Horse trumpeter

Eureka is on the Move!

From 1 June we will be operating from new premises, just a toy soldier’s cannon shot from Poath Road at 170 Haughton Road, Oakleigh, phone; 03 9568 4085.

The new premises will give us a more practical space for design, casting, packing and administration. There isn’t room for a retail shop but if you place an order online and want to collect your order in person then email Nic; to arrange a time for collection.

During the move we will still be taking orders but there may be a slight delay in processing as we relocate our machinery. We thank you for your understanding as we try to sort through 25 years of hobby-related accumulation at the shop.


Thank you

18mm Imperial French Artillery Crews

Following on from remodelling the French Artillery pieces, Tony Barton has created additional variations of gun crews to service them. These crews include additional Line Foot Artillery in regular uniforms as well as in Greatcoat and Guard both Foot and Horse.

And just as a little bonus, Tony Barton has made figures to represent the Scout Lancers of the Guard (2nd regiment) also known as 2nd Regiment of Éclaireurs. A unit used later on in the Napoleonic wars particularly during the campaign for France in 1814.

View the list here:

20mm US Airborne - pre-orders

Tony Barton has surprised us all by making 20mm US Paratroopers

These have been wanted for many years and Tony has made three lovely sets of figures.

US Paratroopers

INA30 US Para’s advancing - AUD$25.20 (AUD$27.72 GST Incl)

INA31 US Para’s prone - AUD$25.20 (AUD$27.72 GST Incl)

INA32 US Para command and Heavy weapons - AUD$31.50 (AUD$34.65 GST Incl)

The first price is for overseas customers, the second price includes GST at 10%.

These will be released at Salute in the UK on the 13th April. If you are attending the show, please let Eureka Miniatures UK know, so they can bring some for you, as we expect demand to be high and don’t want to disappoint anyone.

You can place a pre-order now with Eureka Miniatures, Eureka Miniatures USA or Eureka Miniatures UK and if you are not attending the show, we will dispatch you order shortly afterwards.

Heavy weapons teams

New Releases to kick off the year

Just two releases for the AB Napoleonic range to start off the year but they are both highly anticipated and total 19 completely new figures within the two codes.

Marie-Louises was the term coined for the conscripts called up in 1813 but these figures can also be used earlier or later than this to depict battle-weary French Line whose equipment is in a poor state.

Garde National were the men called up to fight the Allied armies when France was invaded in 1814.

Garde nationale

Find them in the Online Store

Marie Louises

Garde Nationale

18mm Minor Nations

Tony has been busy crafting additions for some of the Minor Nations that fought alongside Napoleon and in the case of the Bavarians also against Napoleon. This release is spread across the catalogue so to help you find them, here is a list of what is new below.

CORC05 Hesse-Darmstadt Chevauxlegers
CORC06 Hesse-Darmstadt Chevauxlegers Officer
CORC07 Hesse-Darmstadt Chevauxlegers Trumpeter
W01a Wurttemburg firing line
BAV09 Bavarian Karrabinier marching
BAV10 Bavarian Karrabinier skirmishing rifles
BAV11 Karrabinier Bugle
BAV12   Staff Set
BAV 13 Bavarian Pioneer
GDW10  Polish Voltigeurs
GDW11 Polish Voltigeur Bugler
GDWC07 Polish Hussars 1812, charging
GDWC08 Polish Hussars 1812 Officer
GDWC09 Polish Hussars 1812 trumpeter

It's French again

This month's release are all French.

New Generals, a Guard unit and some figures to flesh out the existing ranges

Imperial French 1806-12
IF50a   Chasseurs with epaulettes
IF50b   Chasseurs firing and loading
SET7    Marechal Bessieres and Murat

French 1798 - 1806
F03a    Drummer in bearskin

Imperial Guard 1806 -15
IG93       Sapeurs de la Genie de la Garde
IG94       Sapeurs de la Genie de la Garde Officer
IG95       Sapeurs de la Genie de la Garde drummer

French artillery pieces

The pre-Revolutionary Gribeauval artillery system was well established by the 1790s and continued in use until 1815 in some parts.

It comprised the 4, 8, & 12 pdr cannons, and the 6” howitzer.

By 1800, there were seen to be some problems, in that the 8pdr was too heavy and offered little advantage over the 6pdrs used by the other Powers; the 4pdr was too light; and the Howitzer was also too short, giving it too short a range. Its carriage was also perceived to be too light and prone to breaking in combat.

One early improvement was the 1795 Long Porte Howitzer, a copy of the Prussian M1768 10pdr. This was issued to accompany the 12pdr guns in the heavy batteries and remained in use throughout, becoming part of the new AnXI system.

The AnXI system was developed from deliberations starting in 1801 and, by 1805, pieces to the new design were being issued. The important pieces were the AnXI 6pdr and the AnXI 24pdr howitzer. Both used a modified limber with a larger ammunition box fixed on it, rather than a separate small box which travelled on the gun carriage of the Gribeauval system.

Apparently none of these new pieces reached Spain where the Gribeauval pieces continued until the end, perhaps because the Spanish also used that system and there were plenty of captured pieces to hand.

In the German/Polish/Russian theatre, the AnXI pieces became the norm, supplemented by the 12pdrs, for which there was a slightly improved carriage made after 1805 as part of the AnXI improvements.

It’s also worth mentioning that after the victories of the 1800-1809, large numbers of captured Austrian and Prussian pieces were in use, largely 6pdrs, presumably using their proper limbers as well. It seems impossible to be precise about how many, but it may well have been in the hundreds.

French Artillery range

AB can now offer the complete Gribeauval system, with 4, 8, 12 pdrs and 6” howitzer and the limber and caisson for same. All the carriages have been subtly improved, and howitzer has a new barrel as well.

I’ve made the Long Porte howitzer to go with your Guard 12dr batteries .

And now we can offer the two AnXI pieces and their limber.

The Kingdom of Holland

We are proud to announce a new combatant has been added to the catalogue. The Kingdom of Holland...

The Kingdom of Holland  was the successor state of the Batavian Republic. It was created by Napoleon Bonaparte in March 1806 in order to better control the Netherlands. Since becoming Emperor in 1804, Napoleon sought to extirpate republican tendencies in territories France controlled, and placed his third brother, Louis Bonaparte, on the throne of the puppet kingdom. The name of the leading province, Holland, now designated the whole country. In 1807, East Frisia and Jever were added to the kingdom.

In 1809, after the Walcheren Campaign, Holland had to surrender all territories south of the river Rhine to France. Also in 1809, Dutch forces fighting on the French side participated in defeating the anti-Bonapartist German rebellion led by Ferdinand von Schill, at the battle of Stralsund.

King Louis did not perform to Napoleon's expectations – he tried to serve Dutch interests instead of his brother's – and the kingdom was dissolved in 1810, after which the Netherlands were annexed by France until 1813. Holland covered the area of the present-day Netherlands, with the exception of Limburg, and parts of Zeeland, which were French territory, and with the addition of East Frisia. It was the first formal monarchy in the Netherlands since 1581.

The Dutch contingent in Spain comprised a composite Infantry Regiment (a battalion each of the 2nd & 4th Line Infantry ) the 3rd Hussars and the 3rd Battery of Horse artillery.

Kurassier and Freikorps

The latest additions for the AB Napoleonic line are 1813-15 Prussians, including Kurassiers wearing the Kollet which was worn in battle, and the Lutzow Freikorps, which includes musketeers, jaeger and command figures.


PR64        Kurassier in Kollet
PR65        Kurassier in Kollet, officer
PR66        Kurassier in Kollet, trumpeter
PR67        Kurassier in Kollet, standard

Lutzow Freikorps

PR68       Lutzow Freikorps musketeers       
PR69       Lutzow Freikorps jaeger
PR70       Lutzow Freikorps officer
PR71       Lutzow Freikorps drummer

Click the links below to visit the online store:

Napoleonics 18mm > Prissian 1813-15 > Cavalry

Napoleonics 18mm > Prissian 1813-15 > Infantry

The Life of Lead

The Life of Lead

We are often asked "What do you do all day, when you’re not packing my order?" Well now you can see!

The Life Of Lead, a documentary on a day in the life at Eureka, directed by the very talented Kurt Lowden is available to view on YouTube, just follow this link. 

YouTube - The Life of LEad

If you like what you see, Kurt, who is at film school, would love your feedback on his production.